McGough's Ministry
This is a collection of sermons, studies, and general ramblings of UMC pastor
297 episodes
The Long Way Around
At the end of Exodus 13 we hear of God's guidance through the Exodus, and how God led the Israelites on a journey "The Long Way Around"

The Best of All Is...
This morning, we look at what it means to, no matter the circumstances, but our faith in the truth that "The Best of All Is... God is With Us".

Take A Moment
In the book of Esther, we hear how God calls us to be ready to stand strong and firm for Him when the moment arises. Are you willing to take 20 seconds of bravery and courage, and when it occurs, TAKE A MOMENT?

Faith in a Drought
In 1 Kings 18, we hear about how Elijah, though in the middle of a drought, had faith that God was at work in creating a future. This morning we looked at how this story could help us develop a faith for the future and the future church. ...

As we journey through the story of Elijah and Elisha we are asked the question. Are you living a life that will outlive your life?

Tear the Veil
In Matthew 27:50-51 we hear at Christ's crucifixion that the veil was torn. This was the moment when the sharing of the Church shifted from a person to a people, shifting us from consumers to creators and our focus from beyond just local to glo...

New Wineskins
In Matthew 9:17, we hear a warning about putting new wine in old wineskins. As we look at the future of the Church, where are we trying to put new wine in the old wineskins? This morning, I challenged how to remain faithful to the mission but b...

The Christian Church
When we hear The Great Commission, let's not miss the call to be Christ-like as we trust that "All authority in Heaven and Earth has been given to Him"

Baptism Is...
On Baptism of Christ Sunday, we discussed... You guessed it, Baptism, what is it, and what does it mean to and for us

Let's Have an Epiphany
In Matthew 2 we hear of the Magi and their Epiphany, and today we are challenged to have an Epiphany of our own

Now What?!?
The Christ child is here, and we may find ourselves like new parents, asking, "Now What?!?". As we look at Colossians 3, we hear the answer.

If they will know we are Christians by our love, is there enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian?

In Philippians 4:4, we hear the call to Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS. On this third Sunday in Advent, we look at what joy is, where we find joy, and how we can live a life of joy even amidst the storms.

In Isaiah 9, we hear Christ will be called the Prince of Peace. As we look at week 2 of Advent and this idea of peace, we ask how we can live in peace even amidst the storms of life.

As we enter into the season of Advent we hear the message from Jeremiah 33:14-16. A message of hope for a future and a Messiah.

Love God
As we celebrate Christ the King Sunday, we hear how if Christ is our King, we are called to love God with all we have and are.

As Yourself
As we continue looking at the Greatest Commandment today we look at the two words on the end and how they lead us to needing to change our lens through which we see the world and self "As Yourself"

Everyone is Someone
As we have heard proclaimed to Love Thy Neighbor, this week we looked at how that calling challenges us to change how we think. How would the world be different if we saw everyone as a person of value and realized that EVERYONE is SOMEONE to Go...

Praise the Lord
Psalm 146 is bookended by the phrase " Praise the Lord." Today, we will explore what it means to praise the Lord, not just with lip service but with our very lives.

Church Hurt
Today we looked at Church hurt, and how we may not stop Church hurt, but we are called to be a church that heals and does no harm.

Return to Eden
In Hebrews 4, we hear that the Word of God analyzes us and leaves us naked at God's feet. This reminds me of Adam and Eve in Eden, who found out they were naked and hid. But the good news is that we have a high priest in Christ Jesus who knows ...

The 4th Cup
At the Last Supper, we see Jesus changing the liturgy of Passover. At Passover, the 4 cups represent the four promises of Jesus in Exodus 6:6-7. Today, we see that through His suffering and death we see the fulfillment of the 4th...

Change of Perspective
In Numbers 13 we hear how perspective matters. We may need to shift our perspective and believe that God is bigger than whatever we may face.